Mindful eating for the holidays

While looking forward to a big Thanksgiving feast, try practicing a few mindful eating tips for better digestion, less over-eating, and best of all, more enjoyment of the delicious meal!

  1. Let eating be a full sensory experience by first observing the beautiful food on the table and on your plate, with your eyes and nose before digging in. Notice the vibrant colors, the seasonal aromas, and enjoy this first step in eating your much-anticipated holiday feast.
  2. Chew each bite fully and mind-fully by putting your fork down in-between bites and actually tasting your food instead of preparing the next bite while you chew. This simple change can have a profound impact on how slowly and fully you get to experience your food.
  3. Sit and breathe. Once you have finished a plate, take a moment to savor it before going back for more.

These tips are not to try to stop you from indulging in a little extra food on this festive occasion, but rather to help you enjoy and experience every bite that goes into your mouth. However, they also can help to prevent overeating to the point of discomfort, and allow for better digestion.

Enjoy and give thanks!