Outdoor Spring Workout

As the weather turns warmer and the days become longer it is the perfect time to get outside for a workout. No need for the gym or any equipment, this full body workout makes use of your bodyweight and what you’re likely to find in your neighborhood park.

Join Personal Trainer Morgana in this fun outdoor workout!

© 2015 Stephen Ironside / Ironside Photography

Running up the Stairs: As a warm-up begin by walking briskly up and down a set of stairs. Build the walk up into a fast walk or run.

Squats: A great way to strengthen and tone your glutes and thighs. Starting from a wide parallel stance, bend your knees and send your hips back behind you. Keep your back flat and check that your knees have not gone past your feet. To come up push into your feet and tighten your abs and glutes at the top.

© 2015 Stephen Ironside / Ironside Photography

Mountain Climbers: A great exercise for strengthening your core and upper body as well as increasing your heart rate. Starting in a plank position alternate bringing your knees into your chest. To make it more challenging hop your feet in and out one at a time.

Lunge/Balance: Standing with your feet parallel and hip distance apart, bring one knee up and find a balance, hold for a few seconds. Step your lifted leg back into a low lunge. In your lunge lower your back knee so it is parallel with the ground, check that the front knee has not gone past your toes. Pull your abs in and keep your upper body lifted. From the lunge move back up into the balance position.

Tricep Dips: Find a bench and place your palms on the bench pointing towards your body. With either bent or straight knees bend and straighten your elbows squeezing into the back of your arms at the top. Try lifting one leg to make it extra hard!

© 2015 Stephen Ironside / Ironside Photography

Push-ups: The ultimate core and upper body workout. Starting in a plank with your hands wider than shoulder distance, keep your hips slightly lifted, knees tight, and abs pulled in. Lower towards the ground keeping the correct alignment.

Morgana Tessler is a Certified Orthopedic Personal Trainer, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation and Barre Instructor based in NYC. Morgana offers private and group fitness sessions. For more information visit www.morgana.nyc FacebookInstagram