Take a bath

As the nights get longer and the weather colder, try steaming up a good bath for yourself as a relaxing, therapeutic, and enjoyable alternative to watching extra Netflix. A warm bath can soothe sore cold muscles, relax an overworked mind, improve circulation, and enhance quality of sleep.

Here’s how to make your bathing experience truly indulgent:

Prep everything before: This first step is in some ways the most important and yet the easiest to overlook. Before you start running water for the bath get out fresh towels, and whatever you plan to put on, such as pajamas, bathrobe, slippers, etc. and make sure they are clean and easily accessible after the bath. You don’t want to ruin your after-bath glow with a dirty towel, cold feet, and trying to find your bathrobe.

Set the mood: Candles and dim lighting create the perfect ambience.

Add to the bath water: Essential oils and epsom salts are my two personal favorites. Another wonderful bath addition is oatmeal in a sock. While that may sound, oatmeal will create a milky luxurious bath experience like no other, and is known to help with dry skin and eczema. Of course you can add any of your favorite bath oils, just be sure to check the ingredients as your skin will be absorbing whatever you put into the water. A good go to essential oil for relaxation is lavender. Essential oils can be found in most natural food stores. Epsom salt can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Oil up before the bath: While not necessary for a luxurious bathing experience, a lovely addition to any bath or shower is to rub oil all over your body prior to getting wet. You will emerge from the bath with super soft and moist skin. Plus there’s no need to put on a moisturizer now. I like coconut oil, but any body oil will work well. Just be careful as surfaces may be slippery.

In the bath: Make this time quiet and restorative by feeling the water, closing your eyes, breathing, and enjoying the space you have created for yourself.

After the bath: Be mindful getting out of the bath to avoid any slips or falls. Gently pat yourself dry with the clean towels you set out ahead of time. Drink a full glass of water as the heat and salts (if used) can be dehydrating. If possible, try to avoid using any electronic devices or having any stressful conversations. Keep the warm glow with you as you get into bed for a good nights sleep.