Boost your immune system with yoga and food

There is no better time to bolster your immune system! Immunity can be cultivated through many different parts of your life. This post is meant to provide some quick inspiration of immune boosting techniques you can incorporate easily into your week.

Moving for Immunity
immune system yoga

There are many factors contributing to our immune health. Managing stress is a major contributor. Restorative movement like yoga and Pilates can be a powerful tool in reducing stress and strengthening your body’s natural defenses. This article gives a concise explanation of how a movement practice like yoga can benefit ones circulation, muscles and joints and overall immune health through postures breathing exercises.

If you’re interested in incorporating yoga and Pilates into your weekly movement practice I’d like to invite you to join me to my online Yoga and Pilates class every Sunday at 10 AM (est). For more information click the button below

Eating for Immunity
food healthy garden agriculture

Supplements like Vitamin D and zinc aid the adaptive capacity of the immune system. Many foods contain these vitamins and others which can boost our immunity. Foods like citrus, dark green brassicas like broccoli and kale, ginger and garlic can be great tools in building your immune system.

Research has found that beta glucan is another edible immune booster. Foods containing beta-glucans activate your immune system and better prepare your body to combat invaders and adapt to a changing environment

Beta-glucans can be found in a variety of foods. Whole grains like oats, barley, and whole wheat flour, seaweed, culinary mushrooms like Shiitake and Oyster mushrooms, and medicinal mushrooms like Turkey Tail and Reishi.

ceramic cup of tea with fresh lemon

Lemon Ginger Tea

Bring a pot of water to a boil.

Thinly slice lemon and ginger, steep 5-10 minutes.

Strain and pour into your mug, add honey if you’d like!
